Saturday, July 11, 2009

some thoughts

This is an amazing song:

All I want by Future of Forestry
I will go where glory meets the crude and weak
I will go where mercy meets the shame
I will go where strength will find the small and meek
I will go where magic meets mundane

And You're all I want
You're all I want
You're all I'll find
You have my heart forever
You are all that I could need

I will go where grace and healing love restores
I will go where peace and rest is known
I will go where friendship finds my heart in Yours
I will go where beauty leads me home

(I have it on the playlist as the first song that plays.)

On a note of this song, I have just been overjoyed of how God really does love me. I feel like I have been disobedient (truth) and have distanced myself. But he keeps luring me back to Himself, and I am convinced. Because His grace draws me near. Even with all my selfishness He is continuing to bless me. I got a new pair of shoes for free, called Sanuk. Ill add a picture of them here in a sec, and plus the mug I found the other day on sale. Then I get online to check my e-mail and there is a Devo that encouraged me deeply because it spoke about how God is sanctifying us. And so much of the time I feel like crap, because I am crap, but I can take joy in that He does the work of sanctifying me through trials. I will take joy in my suffering because God is making me a better person, and that is what I yearn for.

Here are the shoes :) Yey for mommy winning them for me...

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