So, I was really embarrassed to get baptized. Whenever Moody talked about it and said everyone should get baptized right away, I swallowed up inside that I hadn't done that! Shame on that, because this was one of the best days of my life. I got to be around people I love and they were so good to me! I got like four cards from people! I did not know I got anything for having a baptism. It really felt like a family reunion, and I got to be baptized by one my favorite pastors, Thomas Gold. :)

I was able to share my testimony, and my Dad and my Grandma came. It was so good to see them come and be a part of my life! Then Rachel and Mark O'Brien came. Rachel used to be my mentor! And they had baby Jonathan, and as I was going into the water there were ducks, and I hear that Jonathan laughed and pointed at me because he remembered who I was! and he saw that I was chasing the ducks (well I wasn't really, it just appeared that way to him!) So that was really funny. Then I got a really funny card from Rachel of baby Jonathan, and I will have to take a picture to show you all soon! And then I had prayed for good weather because it was going to storm, and there was the most beautiful sunset! Praise God! And the duckies just sat in front as I got baptized, as if they were watching me. And I just stared at the beautiful creation that God had given us. And I felt so blessed!
And then my old discussion group leader, Paula Mead came. She gave me her blanket, when I didn't have a towel coming out of the water. Paula is so good to me! And then my friend Caitlin was such a joy to me, praying for me and encouraging me. I love her smiles! I have great people in my life. :)
And this was one of the best nights of my life. I thank God for such blessed joy. I never knew baptisms could be so wonderful! I am now a fan.

And Praise God for such love He has for us. He reminded me of this as I gave my testimony: I started loving Him because He first loved me. And that is the basis of my relationship with God, love. It is not about obedience and receiving, which I fall into at times. But it is about love. God saved me while I was separated from Him, and it was God who drew me near to Him. It is all about His love!
Congratulations, Kelli! It looks and sounds like it was a memorable experience.
"Jesus answered [Nicodemus], 'I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.'" (Jn 3:5)
That is awesome! I'm happy for you!
I'll tell you a secret... I was never baptized either. Except for when I was a baby.
And after looking at your pictures....theres no denying God. Look at those ducks! They are just gliding along. not even scared that something jut plunged into the water and that there were people there!
i know, the ducks were the best part for me! :P
I love this post.
sweet. great...
I wish I were there!
It's beautiful!!!!!!!!
I miss you already...
praying for you!
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